Summer job – emploi d’été
Categories: Artspace News
Artspace is hiring a
Coordonateur adjoint aux projets spéciaux – Assistant coordinator of special projects
Conditions: This position is made available through the Canada Summer Works program; eligible candidates must be full time students. The contract is for 9 weeks, starting on June 26th and ending August 25th 2017. The contract is for 35h a week @ $11/h.
Job description: Artspace has a series of ‘special projects’ celebrating our 30th anniversary. The assistant coordinator will work with the Executive Director and the special committee in order to execute the tasks associated to these special projects. This includes, but is not limited to, the administrative support for the coordination of a public event/fundraiser being held on August 24th.
Skills requested: organized, experience in event planning, social media savy, writing, adaptability, flexibility, capacity to work independently, débrouillardise.
Artspace encourages all interested candidates to apply. We value diversity as well as bilinguism, thus, applicants are encouraged to self-identify if they are member of a minority community and/or if they are bilingual (french and english).
Please send a resume and a letter of interest to Eric Plamondon, Executive Director, by e-mail (eric@art-space.ca) or by mail:
425-100 Arthur Street, Winnipeg, Mb, R3B 1H3
Application deadline: Wednesday May 16th 2017
For any questions, please contact us at 204.947.0984
Eric Plamondon
Executive Director