Space available @ Artspace

Artspace is looking to fill 1,057 square feet with a unique Manitoban arts organization desiring and capable of utilizing this distinctive space for creative purposes. Organizations are invited to submit an expression of interest before March 26th 2018.

DETAILS: This space is located on the 2nd floor of Artspace (100 Arthur Street), and is identified as room 218. It consists of 1,057 square feet, about 90 square feet of that being a small ‘office’ space, the rest being an open room. There are high ceilings (complete with historical tin tiles), multiple windows, and one access door. Rent for all tenant members is set at $7.75/sq. foot, resulting in a monthly rent of $682.65 (all included). Member tenants also have access to common services, such as use of the 4th floor boardroom, pay-per-use of photocopying machine, pay-per-use of postage machine, etc. The space is available starting April 1st 2018.

If you would like a tour of the space, or any additional details, please contact:

Eric Plamondon, Executive Director ( or 204.947.0984)


Interested organizations should submit their interest no later than Monday March 26th 2018. The organizations are encouraged to submit the following information:


Name of Organization

Contact information

Person responsible


Mandate of the organization

How the organization intends on utilizing the space

Intended date of occupying the space


Should Artspace receive multiple submissions, Artspace will use an evaluation process stemming from our Mandate, Mission and Values (see below). Our priorities for the use of the space include; in order of importance

  1. i) public accessibility to art,
  2. ii) furthering the creation of art, and

iii) arts administration


Electronic or hard copy submissions are accepted. Please submit with the subject line – 218 Space (insert name of org). Please address the submission to:


Eric Plamondon

Executive Director

425-100 Arthur St

Winnipeg, Mb

R3B 1H3



To improve the efficiency, effectiveness and capacity of Manitoba arts and culture organizations by:

– providing facilities, at below market value rates, to house their operations; and

– providing shared administrative and management services to support their operations.


Artspace Inc. creates space for arts and culture to flourish. Through low-cost facilities, and shared administrative services, we play a vital role in supporting the health of Manitoban arts and cultural organizations.

ARTSPACE Values Statement

Artspace embraces collaboration and innovation as it strives to provide stability for Manitoban arts and cultural organizations and practitioners.